Friday, March 1, 2013

Original Tutorial:
The original tutorial that I used for this assignment was "Changing colours using ActionScript". The tutorial was very easy to follow as it went through step by step guidelines to show you how to create a roll over mouse effect to show different colours appearing on a cascade of movie clips. It gives a file at the end of the tutorial and the sets of code you would need to enable a roll over colour effect when the mouse pans over a set of square buttons. The coding works in a simple way:
on (rollOver) { var colorful = new Color("_root.shapes"); colorful.setRGB(0x006699); }
The first line of the code shows that the following code will happen only when a mouse is hovering over the certain button. In the next line the code is telling flash to create a new colour object based on the movie clip "shapes". The final line shows the chosen colour value, this code changes for each colour button. Each colour has a specific hexadecimal value which is unique.

My Finished Version:

What I found difficult/easy:
I thought this tutorial would have been harder than it was. On paper it looked difficult but when I got down to it was was quite easy to mimic the tutorial. I did find it challenging at the start to attempt to find the hexadecimal value of each colour but I soon moved on from this issue by realising I could use the eyedropper tool which would give me the exact value for each colour button.

What I learnt:
From this tutorial I learnt, most importantly, that creating a simple roll over flash file is actually quite simple and not as daunting as I first thought. I am now able to take this effect and put it into practice. I am also able to find hexadecimal colour values easily.

Dropbox Link!

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